Students Rally at College Brides Walk

College Brides Walk 2012

Students from five South Florida universities gathered in a rally against domestic violence on February 10, 2012. South Florida activist Josie Ashton created the Brides March after hearing of the murder of Gladys Ricart, who in 1999 was killed by an ex-boyfriend on her wedding day.

Donning her own wedding gown, Ashton undertook a 1,300-mile journey to raise awareness against domestic and dating violence, walking to Miami from the New Jersey home where Ricart was murdered.

The College Brides Walk, an extension of the original Brides March, marked its second anniversary this year. The march began at Barry University in Miami Shores, Florida, and made its way through North Miami and back. Students wore wedding and formal attire, in keeping with the spirit of the original walk.

College Brides Walk 2012

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